Veischede Sun Trail - North Loop

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Veischede Sun Trail - North Loop

The SauerlandTrail corresponds to the so-called northern loop of the Veischede Sun Trail. It requires a certain level of fitness, as there are many, sometimes quite steep ascents and descents to conquer on the varied circular route. Great flora and magnificent views enrich the tour.


Tour starting point:

Amtshausplatz in Bilstein

Tour destination point:

Amtshausplatz in Bilstein


  • promising
  • Round trip
  • cultural / historical

Additional Information

Tourist Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, Hundemstr. 18 (in the station building), 57368 Lennestadt-Altenhundem. Tel. 02773/608800, fax 02773/608801,,




17.7 km


5:25 Std.

Elevation ascent

548 m

Elevation descent

548 m

Lowest point

266 m

Highest point

571 m





The Sauerland Trail leads from Bilstein to the flank of the Hohe Bracht. A good level of fitness is required thanks to the numerous ascents and descents. Grandiose views and a varied landscape characterize the tour, which also offers medieval flair with Burg Bilstein. Burg Bilstein was built in the 13th century. Today it is used as a youth hostel. The castle courtyard is ideal for bringing your own picnic. Hiking groups can also take a break at the youth hostel by prior arrangement. The northern loop is marked with a white "B" in a white circle on a black background.

Aussichtsturm-Restaurant Hohe Bracht

Hohe Bracht

Aussichtsturm und das Wahrzeichen des Kreises Olpe auf 588 m Höhe.

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Aussichtsturm Hohe Bracht


Aussichtsturm und das Wahrzeichen des Kreises Olpe auf 588 m Höhe.

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Burg Bilstein


Eine mittelalterliche Burg aus dem 12. Jh. mit Jugendherberge.

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The trail starts from the Amtshausplatz Bilstein (B). The path climbs steadily until you reach the Hohe Bracht on the flank. Immediately, you walk along a path through the middle of the unspoilt mixed vegetation, which is recolonizing a windbreak field. Great views enrich the section up to the L715. After crossing the road, you climb first on a path, then on wide paths uphill to the Bonschlade crossroads. This is followed by a very steep climb up to the Wimpel. After crossing the crest, you descend with good views. You are accompanied by extensive tree plantations. From the next crossroads, you walk up and down, often through coniferous forest, but deciduous trees are also a regular feature. Finally, you reach the Maumke-Bonzlerhammer local road. You climb the next hilltop. At the top, you can enjoy a great panoramic view of Meggen and the Lenne valley. The next stop is the Kreuzberg with its small chapel. After passing a refuge, turn sharp left at 2 benches onto an unmarked field path. This descends through lush meadows, past a beautifully situated hiking rest area, to the Veischedetal valley and enters the forest. Here, you must not miss the change to the left onto a path. The path ends at the parking lot on the B55.Carefully cross the main road and keep left for 50m. Then continue right to the sports field and cross the rushing Veischede over a bridge. The route then climbs steeply uphill. Once you reach the top, you have a wonderful view of the village of Bonzel in the following section. Continuing on, you reach a fantastic path passage through mixed oak forest, past rugged cliffs, which makes the effort of the ascent fade into the background. The path then flattens out and you can enjoy a beautiful view from the edge of the forest. Now it gets steep again, as the Rosenberg has to be conquered. After crossing the hilltop, there is a refuge where you can take a break. The route now descends steadily through a beautiful beech forest on wide forest paths. The forest suddenly opens up and Burg Bilstein provides a medieval flair and you also have a beautiful view of the village of Bilstein. You descend into the village via a set of steps and walk the last few meters back to the Amtshausplatz.


Festes Schuhwerk, Regenschutz, Wanderstöcke und Rucksackverpflegung sind auf dieser Tour sinnvoll. 

Safty guidelines

The tour is mostly on wide paths. Some sections, however, are pathy and require surefootedness.

Author Tip

Hoch über Bilstein thront die gleichnamige Burg, die heute als Jugendherberge genutzt wird. V. a. für Familien bietet sie ein ideales Quartier mit ritterlichem Flair. Doch auch einfach nur der Blick von der Burgterrasse hinab auf Bilstein lohnt sich. Unterwegs gibt es direkt an der Strecke als Einkehrmöglichkeit die Hohe Bracht. Im Bereich Bonzel kann die örtliche Gastronomie (unweit der Wanderwegstrecke) genutzt werden. Rucksackverpflegung sollte dennoch nicht fehlen. Am Ende der Tour kann man in Bilstein einkehren. 

Public transiot

Take the train to Olpe or Altenhundem, from there take the SB3 express bus to Bilstein. Detailed information on the timetable can be found at:

Getting there

Take the B55 in the direction of Bilstein.


Bilstein Amtshausplatz

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