Photo route Oberhenneborn - Landscape in focus

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Photo route Oberhenneborn - Landscape in focus
Learn lots of tips and tricks about photography on this tour and become a landscape photographer yourself. Breathtaking views of the Sauerland included!

Blick vom Fotopunkt am Hömberg oberhalb von Oberhenneborn und Sellmecke

Werden Sie zum Landschaftsfotografen auf der Fotoroute Oberhenneborn

Landschaftsfotograf Klaus-Peter Kappest

Blick von der Fotoroute auf Oberhenneborn

Altes Backhaus und Blick auf die St. Agatha Kirche in Oberhenneborn

Geführte Fotokurse mit Klaus-Peter Kappest auf der Fotoroute Oberhennorn

Bienenlehrpfad auf der Golddorf-Route Oberhenneborn

Ruhebank mit Panoramablick auf das Bundesgolddorf Oberhenneborn

Geschnitzte Eule an der Fotoroute Oberhenneborn

Landschaftspanorama auf dem Hömberg oberhalb von Oberhenneborn

Hömberg-Panorama im Abendlicht

Themenweg im Sauerland: Fotoroute Oberhenneborn - mit Klaus-Peter Kappest

Tour starting point:

Hikers' parking lot "Todesbruch" in Oberhenneborn

Tour destination point:

Hikers' parking lot "Todesbruch" in Oberhenneborn


  • promising
  • Fauna
  • Insider tip
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • family-friendly

Additional Information

Further information about the Oberhenneborn Federal Gold Village can be found at

The accompanying flyer including detailed directions is available here.




9 km


3:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

235 m

Elevation descent

235 m

Lowest point

421 m

Highest point

617 m





Recommended seasons


Discover the Sauerland and the Bundesgolddorf Oberhenneborn from your photographic side. Developed together with the well-known landscape photographer Klaus-Peter Kappe, the tour takes you around 9 km past particularly scenic points and explains many tips for professional photography in a way that is also understandable for laypeople. It is not necessarily about using high-quality technology, but about understanding a meaningful visual language and the experience of nature. The Oberhenneborn photo route can therefore be experienced with a good cell phone camera as well as with professional equipment! You should plan around 3 to 4 hours for the tour, depending on your mood for photography.

Would you like to share your photos with others? Then use the hashtag #fotoroute when posting on social networks

You can view the accompanying flyer here...

Station 1: Weniger ist mehr - Bildausschnitt bewusst wählen
Station 2. Kreativer Umgang mit bekannten Motiven
Wüllner´s Landgasthof

Gastronomie im Schmallenberger Sauerland und der Ferienregion Eslohe

Sauerländer Wandergasthof. Hausgemachter Kuchen, Essen nur nach Anmeldung, saisonale und vegetarische Küche, Kinderspeisenkarte, Terrasse, spezielle Wanderrouten.

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Station 3: Ein wirklich dicker Baum - auch auf dem Foto
Startpunkt Bienen-Lehrpfad Oberhenneborn
Station 4: Vordergrund macht Bild gesund
Fototipp "Dorfblick"
Station 5: Caspar-David-Friedrich-Perspektive
Station 6: Selfie-Punkt
Henne-Rartal - Auf dem Kreutz bei Oberhenneborn

Henne-Rartal - Auf dem Kreutz bei Oberhenneborn

zum 360° Panoramafoto

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Fototipp "Sellmecketal"


Fototipp des bekannten Landschaftsfotografen Klaus-Peter Kappest.

Read More

Station 7: Goldener Schnitt
Station 8: Goldener Schnitt bei Landschaftsbildern
Sonnenuntergang: Fotoroute Oberhenneborn

Sonnen-Untergangsort: Fotoroute Oberhenneborn

Bei den drei Birken an der Fotoroute Oberhenneborn habt ihr einen wunderschönen Blick auf die schwingende Hügellandschaft des Schmallenberger Sauerlandes.

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Station 9: Panoramafotografie
Station 10: Die Freihandgrenze
Gasthaus Wollmeiner

Gastronomie im Schmallenberger Sauerland und der Ferienregion Eslohe

Genießen Sie regionale Köstlichkeiten, Hausmacher Spezialitäten und die Frische aus Wald und Flur in unserem Restaurant, der gemütlichen Gaststube oder auf unserer Terrasse.

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Fototipp "Wiesental"

Ausflüge im Schmallenberger Sauerland und der Ferienregion Eslohe

Fototipp des bekannten Landschaftsfotografen Klaus-Peter Kappest.

Read More

Station 11: Fließendes Wasser fotografieren (Profi-Station)



From the starting point, the "Todesbruch" hiking parking lot in Oberhenneborn, first follow the Golddorfroute Oberhenneborn. After the ascent across the meadow, leave the Golddorf route (this branches off to the left) and turn right onto the OH3. After approx. 50 m you will reach the first stop on the photo route. Now follow the OH3 until you reach the "main road" (Hennetalstraße) in the village and then turn left. After approx. 150 m you will see the old bakery on the right-hand side, stop 2 on the photo route.You then cross the wooden bridge, pass the stable of the farm and turn right onto the asphalt road. After approx. 200 m, turn left (towards the church) and follow the road towards Wüllner's Landgasthof. Shortly before the country inn, turn left into the street "Zum Kreuz". After approx. 75 m you reach the third station. You now follow the Oberhenneborn Golddorf route for a long time, initially uphill along the Way of the Cross. After approx. 350 m, the Golddorf route turns left and the bee nature trail begins - continue to follow the Golddorf route and after another 200 m you will reach the next photo point. Following the sign for the Golddorf route, the path turns right after a short while and leads up a small climb across the meadow. At the top, you will find the fifth stop on the photo route on the right-hand side. Now continue to follow the golden "G" and pass the Kreuzkapelle chapel (open during the day).After a further ascent along the asphalt road (which turns into a gravel path at the end), you will soon reach the next stop on the photo tour - the "selfie point". After completing this point, walk back along the path for approx. 15 m and then, between the two fields, continue along the Golddorf route until you see an old barn. Walk towards it and leave the Golddorf route again. Immediately after the barn, you come to a country road and turn left. After approx. 50 m, turn right again and continue along the asphalt road. After a few meters you will reach the "Goldener Schnitt" station and after another 300 m the "Goldener Schnitt bei Landschaftsbildern" station. Continue along the asphalt road, which turns into a gravel path after a few meters. After the "bench between the 3 birch trees", you will soon reach a turning point. At this point, turn sharp left and follow the path until you reach the highlight of the photo route - the "Am Homberg" panoramic view.Continue along the path and turn left onto the OR2 at the next junction. After a short descent, you will find the next photographic challenge. Now continue along the OR2 hiking trail until you reach a busy road again at the chapel in Oberrarbach. Follow this road to the right for approx. 50 m (watch out for traffic!) and then turn right again onto the asphalt farm track. Follow this path for 1.5 km until you reach the SGV hut "Eulennest". The next photo station is located by the stream below the SGV hut, to which a clearly visible path leads. After completing this station, return to the SGV hut and turn left onto the hiking trail towards Oberhenneborn. After around 900 m, you will reach Oberhenneborn and your starting point, the hiking parking lot at the "Todesbruch".


Wir empfehlen festes Schuhwerk und dem Wetter angepasste Kleidung. Eine besondere, fotografische Ausrüstung ist für diese Tour nicht zwingend erforderlich. Die Informationen sind weitestgehend so aufgearbeitet, dass von der guten Handykamera bis zur professionellen Spiegelreflexkamera, alle Stationen erlebbar sind. Wir empfehlen volle Akkus und ggf. eine Power-Bank zum Laden Ihrer Kamera bzw. Ihres Handys.

Safty guidelines

Two short sections of the tour take you along marked paths across meadows. Depending on the time of day and weather conditions, there is a risk of slipping.

Author Tip

Familien-Tipp: Auf einem Teilstück der Fotoroute befindet sich ein Bienenlehrpfad mit reichlich Wissenswertem rund um das spannende Leben der Bienen.


Für Fotoliebhaber des Schmallenberger Sauerlandes empfehlen wir den Bildband "Lebensart - Schmallenberger Sauerland und Eslohe" von Klaus-Peter Kappest (ISBN 978-3-9808413-3-7). Weitere Informationen...


Wanderkarte Schmallenberger-Sauerland 1 : 25.000 oder Wanderkarte Henne-Rartal 1:  25.000 (beide Karten sind erhältlich in der Gästeinformation in Schmallenberg oder vor Ort in Wüllner´s Landgasthof).

Public transiot

Oberhenneborn is served by bus route 465. The "Todesbruch" bus stop is in the immediate vicinity of the starting point of the photo route.

Getting there

Coming from Rimberg / Bad Fredeburg, the Todesbruch hiking parking lot is on the left as you enter Oberhenneborn. Coming from Niederhenneborn, the hiking parking lot is on the right at the end of the village. Address for your navigation system: Oberhenneborn, street: Todesbruch.


In addition to the hiking parking lot on the "Todesbruch", there are other parking spaces in the village.Please enter the address "Alte Schule 1, 57392 Schmallenberg" in your navigation device. From there, you can join both the Golddorf route and the photo route in just a few minutes on foot.

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