Accessible hiking trail "Große Freiheit Siebenstern" - hiking trail for everyone

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Accessible hiking trail "Große Freiheit Siebenstern" - hiking trail for everyone

A short section of the Waldroute and the Kneipp Trail. Approx. 2 km on a low-barrier but not barrier-free route.

The path is graveled and easy to ride with wider wheelchair bikes.

Same route back again. Adventure stations invite you to play and learn. The Waldroute has been a Wanderbares Deutschland quality trail since this year and has rightly been awarded this seal.

Ob Rolli oder Fahrrad auf dem Langer Berg



Tour starting point:

Parking lot on the Langer Berg (gateway to the Waldroute)

Tour destination point:

Parking lot on the Langer Berg (gateway to the Waldroute)


  • From A to B
  • promising
  • Insider tip
  • suitable for baby carriages
  • barrier-free
  • family-friendly




1.9 km


1:00 Std.

Elevation ascent

50 m

Elevation descent

18 m

Lowest point

520 m

Highest point

554 m





Recommended seasons


Große Freiheit Siebenstern (2 km) The name "Große Freiheit" says it all:

This hiking trail near Olsberg really is suitable for almost every hiker!

Whether in a wheelchair, with a baby carriage, on a bike or on foot, the accessible circular route opens up nature experiences for all visitors.

From the Langer Berg hiking parking lot, the trail leads along the Waldroute with its magnificent panoramas - and has plenty of surprises in store for explorers. Whether it's a tree telephone, xylophone or rideable high seat, hikers of all ages can gather exciting impressions of nature at five adventure stations.

Start/finish: Hikers' parking lot at Langer Berg in Olsberg. www.

Hiking portal Long Mountain

Wanderportal Langer Berg

Starting point Sauerland hiking villages region - Langer Berg hiking parking lot, gateway to the Waldroute, hiking rest area with seating, hiking sign and starting point of the low barrier hiking trail, Große Freiheit Siebenstern.

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Große Freiheit Siebenstern (2 km) The name "Große Freiheit" says it all:This hiking trail near Olsberg is really suitable for almost every hiker!"The surface is low barrier, but not completely barrier-free. No steps or steep sections. It is easy to manage in a wheelchair with normal tires. Especially popular with families with baby carriages.Whether with a wheelchair, baby carriage, bike or simply on foot, the low-barrier circular route opens up nature experiences for all visitors. From the Langer Berg hiking parking lot, the trail leads along the Waldroute with its magnificent panoramas - and has plenty of surprises in store for explorers. Whether it's a tree telephone, xylophone or rideable high seat, hikers of all ages can gather exciting impressions of nature at five adventure stations.start/finish: Hikers' parking lot at Langer Berg in Olsberg.The Waldroute has been certified as a Wanderbares Deutschland quality trail since this year.


Keine Ausrüstung erforderlich. Keine Einkehrmöglichkeit.

Safty guidelines

Not barrier-free , but accessible!

Author Tip

Flyer über den Weg ... erhältlich in der Olsberg Touristik.


Flyer in der Touristik Olsberg erhältlich.


Wanderkarte Brilon-Olsberg, erhältlich in der Touristik Brilon und in der Touristik Olsberg.

Public transiot

Stop directly at the hiking parking lot. Line S 30 Brilon-Olsberg-Winterberg

Getting there

On the district road from Olsberg in the direction of Brilon.... At the highest point between Olsberg and Altenbüren. Turning is only permitted on one side, please follow the signs. www.


Large, free parking lot directly at the starting point. Large hiking parking lot of the Waldroute. With seating. Flags show the exact location.

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