Forest worker and forester trail in Latrop

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Forest worker and forester trail in Latrop

Forest and woodland are two key themes in the historical development of the region. Thus, 16 stations show the "secrets of the forest", e.g. how a charcoal kiln is constructed and functions, or what the forest of the future might look like.

Waldarbeitermuseum in der alten Mühle von Latrop, Außenansicht

Der Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad Latrop

Waldarbeitermuseum in Schmallenberg-Latrop

Der Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad Latrop

Station 2 "Köhlerei" am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

Station 2 "Köhlerei" am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

Station 8 "Feld- Waldgrenze (Waldweide) am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

Tour starting point:

Schmallenberg-Latrop, parking lot at the village hall

Tour destination point:

Schmallenberg-Latrop, parking lot at the village hall


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • family-friendly
  • cultural / historical




4.2 km


2:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

155 m

Elevation descent

155 m

Lowest point

423 m

Highest point

513 m





Recommended seasons


The forest worker and forester trail starts with the first stop at the forest worker museum (open daily from 9 am to 6 pm) at the entrance to Latrop. The trail then continues along the Lüttmeckesiepen stream to the charcoal burning plant and the wooden bridge. With a view of the village, the path leads you out into the Grubental valley where you can visit the "Alte Pflanzkamp" station dating back to 1830. The circular trail also Wenden here and leads you through the village of Latrop back to the starting point.

Parkplatz Latrop

Wanderparkplatz  in Latrop

Der Parkplatz liegt rechter Hand von Fleckenberg kommend im Ortseingangsbereich von Latrop.

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Waldarbeitermuseum in der Alten Mühle Latrop

Waldarbeitermuseum in der alten Mühle von Latrop, Außenansicht

Bereits seit 2003 befindet sich in der Alten Mühle in Latrop das liebevoll eingerichtete Waldarbeitermuseum.

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Wanderportal und Wanderparkplatz Latrop - Wendebereich

Wanderportal und Wanderparkplatz Latrop Wendeplatz

Das Wanderportal, gelegen am Ortsende von Schmallenberg-Latrop, ist Ausgangspunkt für viele Wanderungen.

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Station 2: Köhlerei

Station 2 "Köhlerei" am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

Station 2 "Köhlerei" am Waldarbeiter und Försterpfad in Latrop.

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Station 8: Feld- Waldgrenze (Waldweide)

Station 8 "Feld- Waldgrenze (Waldweide) am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

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Totholz steckt voller Leben

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Station 11: Ausbildung als Grundlage für Verantwortung

Forstwirtschaft im Schmallenberger Sauerland

Station 11 "Ausbildung als Grundlage für Verantwortung" am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop.

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Station13: Wald-Wild-Konflikt

Rotwildgehege Bödefeld

Station 13 "Wald-Wild-Konflikt" am Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad in Latrop

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Starting at the lumberjack museum in the "Alte Mühle" in Latrop, which has been exhibiting old tools, pictures of forest and village life, old forestry records and the development of chainsaws since 2003, the trail continues through Latrop's forests via a further 15 stations.The second stop is the charcoal kiln, where charcoal used to be produced in an elaborate process.Then you come to the old oak tree. This is already around 180 years old and is suffering from the onset of crown thinning. However, this dying process plays an important role for nature. It provides a habitat for more than 260 species of insects.Fourthly, you come to a wooden bridge. This represents the power of wood.The fifth station shows a so-called "division stone". The division of the forest into different sections is important to guarantee the sustainable maintenance of a healthy mixed forest. This makes the forest more resistant to insect plagues, drought, storms and climate change.You can then see the effects of the storm "Kyrill" in 2007. A large number of young trees were planted in the wide gaps left by this storm in order to rejuvenate the forest.The seventh station illustrates that a tidy forest could not survive without leaves, needles, twigs or branches. Microorganisms use these nutrients to produce new humus, which is vital for the trees.This takes you to the 8th station. This shows the containment of forest development through targeted grazing of suitable cattle breeds. This grazing ensures a higher diversity of species.The phenomenon of "branch cleaning" is shown at the next station. As the trees grow, their branches touch each other. If the branches touch, there is a lack of light and the trees begin to lose their branches.The 10th station shows the importance of deadwood for the forest. Around 80% of the animal and plant species threatened with extinction depend on this wood.At the 11th station you can see the training base of the Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW. Trained specialists are needed for the sustainable maintenance of the forest.Before there were tree nurseries, the trees they needed were planted and cared for by the forest farmers themselves. This was done in a so-called planting camp, which is shown here at the 12th station.The forest-wildlife conflict: The 13th station illustrates how important it is to closely monitor and, if necessary, reduce the wildlife population in a forest. Only by regulating the game population in this way can the mixed forest be preserved sustainably.The importance of the soil in a forest is often underestimated. The soil is a highly sensitive system of nutrients and can be permanently damaged by acid rain, for example, but also by vehicle traffic. To avoid this, the local foresters create special "skid trails". These can be driven on with heavy machinery without damaging the soil.A forest must also be well planned in order to guarantee sufficient yields for the forestry and timber industry for as long as possible. To achieve this, high-quality trees and rare tree species are promoted, but diseased trees are also felled.Station 16 explains the different units of measurement used in the forest.Now it's back through the village of Latrop to the village hall.


Wir empfehlen festes Schuhwerk, sowie ausreichend Verpflegung und Getränke mitzubringen.

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed in the Hochsauerland district. Rescue points can be found on the information boards at junctions and on hiking signs.

Author Tip

Besuchen Sie unbedingt das Waldarbeitermuseum in der Alten Mühle von Latrop.


Flyer: Waldarbeiter- und Försterpfad Latrop Diesen Flyer und weitere Infobroschüren erhalten Sie in der Gästeinformation in Schmallenberg bzw. bei den Verkehrsvereinen vor Ort.

Public transiot

Bus route 466 runs in Latrop, as does the Schmallenberg Sauerland hiking bus (note timetable).Timetable information: www.rlg-online.deWith the Schmallenberg Sauerland Card you can use the hiking bus and public transport in the region free of charge.

Getting there

From Fleckenberg, drive as far as Fleckenberg on the B236. Turn left here towards Latrop and follow the road up the valley.Coming from Lennestadt-Altenhundem, take the B236 to Fleckenberg and then turn right towards Latrop.Address for directions using a navigation device: 57392 Schmallenberg-Latrop, 1


Use the parking lot at the village hall or the hiking parking lot "Wendebereich" in Latrop.

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