Gold Village Route Bödefeld / Bödefelder Hollenpfad

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Gold Village Route Bödefeld / Bödefelder Hollenpfad
The Hollenpfad combines history with the fabulous, integrates flora and fauna and also makes hiking exciting and interesting for children.

Der Hollenfelsen bei Bödefeld

Pfarrkirche St. Cosmas und Damian Bödefeld

Kirche in Bödefeld

Mystisch: Die "Schwarze Hand" von Bödefeld

Bödefeld im Schmallenberger Sauerland

Spielplatz Walkemühle

"Zwergenland" an der Palme

Unterwegs auf dem Hollenpfad bei Bödefeld

Am Hollenhaus / Hollenfelsen

Ausblick beim Hollenfelsen

Hirschgehege Bödefeld

Bödefeld im Schmallenberger Sauerland

Auf dem Weg zum Kehlberg

Kehlberg bei Bödefeld

Tour starting point:

Schmallenberg-Bödefeld, hiking portal at the church

Tour destination point:

Schmallenberg-Bödefeld, hiking portal at the church


  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • family-friendly
  • Flora

Additional Information

Gastronomy along the Golddorf Route-Bödefeld:

You can find more restaurants, accommodation and activities in the Schmallenberg Sauerlandhere.




9.9 km


3:00 Std.

Elevation ascent

321 m

Elevation descent

303 m

Lowest point

463 m

Highest point

678 m





Recommended seasons

During the hike you will see the parish church with the legendary black hand, the highland cattle enclosure, the Walkemühle nature adventure playground, the barefoot path, the children's hut village, the water treading pool, the old coal pile, the wetland biotope, the Hollen spring and the Hollenhaus, the wildlife enclosure, the wildflower and orchard meadow, the miniature golf course with playground and the village park.
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Pfarrkirche St. Cosmas und Damian Bödefeld

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The hiking trail is well signposted with a golden G on a red background and B5.The hiking trail begins at the parish church of St. Cosmas and Damian and first leads up the road "Zum Kreuzberg" (the church is on our right), past the kindergarten and a pasture with highland cattle, further slightly uphill to the left and then right again into the forest. It soon branches off to the right down to Oberdorf, turns sharp left along "Lingenauwer", crosses "Hunaustraße" and swings left into the road "Auf der Hütte". A little further on, at a street lamp, a footpath begins on the left. A wooden plaque on a fanned-out tree trunk provides information about the origins of Bödefeld and ten more such plaques follow, providing information about the history of the village. The path touches the children's playground at the "Walkenmühle" and crosses the village stream "Palme". We leave the playground on our right and follow the "Palme" uphill past dwarves in the dark spruce forest and a hut, over a bridge, to the water treading pool at the Nonnenstein. Here the hiking trail turns right to an old charcoal burning site with an information board about charcoal production. From here, turn left again up the hill to a firm farm track, which you follow to the left. Now look uphill to the right, as the "Hollenhaus" is located in the deciduous forest. The Hollenhaus is a rock completely covered in yellow-green lichen. The Hollen, forest women, once lived in a cave in it. Village children herded goats and the Hollen played with them. As a parting gift, they gave the children stones, which turned out to be valuable gems at home. This tempted bad boys to enter the cave. But the cave collapsed and the thieves were never seen again. So the old legend goes. Our path continues and after a bend to the right descends to the roof of the Hollenhaus with a very beautiful view. A footpath leads downhill from there and uphill again. After a dip, we turn right and left again and reach the deer enclosure and, a little further on, the bird perch for the annual shooting festival. We leave the Vogelstange on our right and follow the path straight ahead and downhill until we reach a farm track. Here we turn left. At the next corner of the Waldeck, you have a beautiful view of Bödefeld. Shelters have been set up there so that you can rest for a while and enjoy the view.In the forest, a footpath on the left then climbs quite steeply in serpentines to the "Valley of the Mountains", a natural monument on the Kehlenberg. Further down the mountain, you cross the small stream "Rehmecke", where small water wheels (Schlapperrad) turn at the "Waldesruh" place. The subsequent farm track then runs straight ahead at ground level above Bödefeld. Suddenly, the path turns right down a grassy slope to the left into a small wooded area, where it turns sharp right again towards the village. At the Schützenhalle, turn left into Mühlenweg and then right at the miniature golf course. The path leads behind the school to the village park and from there back to the starting point at the parish church.


Festes Schuhwerk ist wichtig, Streckenweise kann es bei feuchtem Wetter rutschig sein. Versorgen Sie sich mit ausreichend Getränken.

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed in the Hochsauerland district. Rescue points can be found on the information boards at junctions and on hiking signs.

Author Tip

Besichtigen Sie die Pfarrkirche St. Cosmas und Damin mit der sagenumwobenen "schwarzen Hand" von Bödefeld.


Broschüre Golddorf-Routen - Rundwanderweg in 12 Bundesgolddörfern, des Schmallenberger Sauerland Tourismus.


Wanderinformation "Golddorf-Routen im Schmallenberger Sauerland".Wanderkarte Schmallenberger Sauerland (Maßstab 1 : 25.000). Beide Karten erhalten beim Schmallenberger Sauerland Tourismus.

Public transiot

You can reach Bödefeld directly from Schmallenberg on the S90 line. Use the "Kirche" stop in the center of Bödefeld. for timetable information:

Getting there

Coming from Schmallenberg, drive in the direction of Bad Fredeburg. Follow the signs in the direction of Meschede / Bödefeld via the L776. At Rimberg, follow the K19 in the direction of Osterwald / Bödefeld.Address for directions using a navigation device: 57392 Schmallenberg - Bödefeld; Hunaustraße 2


Limited parking is available in the area around the church. Alternatively, you can also use the "Unterm Nonnenstein" hiking parking lot. This is located outside the village in the direction of "Osterwald" directly on the district road.

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