Kapellenweg Reiste - main route

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Kapellenweg Reiste - main route
The Reiste Chapel Trail connects 8 villages with their chapels and the parish church in Reiste on a total of 25 km of circular hiking trail.

St. Laurentius Kapelle in Eslohe - Herhagen

St. Pankratius Pfarrkirche in Eslohe - Reiste

St. Pankratius Pfarrkirche in Reiste

Kapelle St. Margaretha in Beisinghausen im Sauerland

Kapelle in Beisinghausen in der Ferienregion Eslohe

Herhagen in der Ferienregion Eslohe

Innenraum der St. Laurentius Kapelle in Eslohe - Herhagen

Ruhebank bei Nichtinghausen

St. Lucia Kapelle in Erflinghausen

Innenraum der Kapelle in Erflinghausen im Sauerland

Wandern auf dem Kapellenweg Reiste

Kapelle Maria Heimsuchung in Eslohe - Büenfeld

Wandern auf dem Kapellenweg Reiste im Sauerland

St. Agatha Kapelle in Büemke

Riesenbank mit Blick auf Reiste im Sauerland

St. Pankratius Pfarrkirche in Reiste

Tour starting point:

Reiste, St. Pankratius parish church, Meschede Straße (B 55)

Tour destination point:

Reiste, St. Pankratius parish church, Meschede Straße (B 55)


  • promising
  • Round trip
  • cultural / historical




22.8 km


6:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

545 m

Elevation descent

545 m

Lowest point

323 m

Highest point

491 m





Recommended seasons


You have the option of walking the trail in two stages. The recommendation of the SGV Reiste section is to start with the longer southern route and then hike the northern route.

Chapels and wayside crosses are frequent companions along the way in the municipality of Reiste. They bear witness to the deep religiosity that the people here have practiced for centuries. Faith and prayer have always been part of everyday life. The bells of the churches marked the day, religious festivals the year. Shrines or wayside crosses were often erected out of gratitude or as a reminder of special events and are still cherished and cared for by local families to this day. Of course, each village has its own chapel and each is dedicated to a different patron saint.

The 22.6 km (25.7 km) long Chapel Trail invites you to discover this tradition and the many beautiful chapels in the chapel villages around Reiste. Hike along secluded forest paths and discover the stories of the small places of worship. Along the way, impressive views will punctuate your hike, as will the many gems along the way, framed by nature.

The Chapel Trail offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the village structure of an old-established Sauerland community. You will get an idea of what it was like to live "in the village", in reliable structures, but also with many a challenge. For example, it was commonplace to walk to school "over the hill", even in the snowy winter, or to walk to the next larger village, Reiste, in wind and weather to go to church on Sundays. People maintained contact between the larger and smaller villages. On all sorts of occasions, at festivals and celebrations, the footpaths were not shunned. Whether it was the shooting festival, harvest festival or the traditional Reiste market: people went to Reiste, celebrated together and spent pleasant hours together. These encounters still take place today. However, on such occasions, many residents now tend to walk back to their home village. On the one hand because of the beautiful nature, on the other hand probably also because of the one or other beer, which can be better digested while walking...

Reiste and its chapel villages have retained their lively associations to this day... Walk the chapel trail and encounter a real piece of Sauerland with its traditions. Be inspired by nature as you walk between the chapels and find peace and quiet. Stop off at a chapel or two and hold a silent prayer. Or sit down on a bench along the way, enjoy nature or admire one of the small works of art along the way.

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Reiste - Niederreiste 1.4 kmThe Kapellenweg begins in Reiste at the parish church of St. Pankratius. After crossing the B55 at the traffic lights, walk past the former Protestant church out of the village and turn left. Walk above the sports field in the direction of Niederreiste. There you will reach your first destination, the 14 Nothelfer Kapelle.Niederreiste - Beisinghausen 1.4 kmNext to the chapel, cross the B55 again and turn right onto the path. Continue across the eastern field to Beisinghausen. Turn left and walk up into the village. The St. Margaretha Chapel is located in the middle of the village.Beisinghausen - Landenbeck 4.7 kmPassing the old smithy and the war memorial, the chapel trail now quickly gains altitude. You leave Beisinghausen behind you and reach the Sauerland-Höhenflug halfway up the mountain. Follow this further up the mountain to the "Sohl". Here you leave the Sauerland-Höhenflug to the left. Continue over the ridge and slightly downhill along the flank of the Landenbeck valley. Turn left again and walk through the forest to the village of Landenbeck. A little way down the village you will find St. Barbara's Chapel.Landenbeck - Sögtrop 3.1 kmThe chapel trail splits a little behind the chapel. From here, you can take the loop via Sögtrop. Walk along the road through the village over the Hennebach. After the village, walk up the hill towards Sögtrop. Continue on the loop of the chapel trail through the forest and down into the Rarbachtal valley to Sögtrop. There you will reach the St. Blasius Chapel.Sögtrop - Herhagen 2.7 kmNow you walk along the Rarbach and then along the Hennen to Herhagen. There you will rejoin the main route of the chapel trail and can continue your hike along it. In the village you will find the St. Laurentius Chapel, which is right next to the birthplace of Christine Koch, who is known for her poems in Sauerland dialect.Herhagen - Nichtinghausen 1.3 kmYou now leave Herhagen through the wide valley of the Hennen, which gives the Hennen dam its name. When you reach the first houses of Nichtinghausen, the St. Bernhard Chapel is not far away. Cross the B55 again at the bus stop in the village. This is another entry point or stage point for the chapel trail.Nichtinghausen - Erflinghausen 2.5 kmNow walk a little above Nichtinghausen, halfway up the hill above the village. You will come to the local hiking trail Re1 and follow it over the hilltop towards Erflinghausen. Follow the old Totenweg trail slowly down to Erflinghausen, where you will come to the hexagonal St. Lucia Chapel in the middle of the village.Erflinghausen - Büenfeld 1.8 kmAfter Erflinghausen, you walk slowly up to the high plateau near Büenfeld. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic view as the path leads you directly to Büenfeld and the "Maria Heimsuchung" chapel.Büenfeld - Büemke 2.4 kmFollow the road in Büenfeld a little way through the village until the path takes you to the right into the gorge-like incision of the "Büenfelder Siepen". Here you pass the gem "die Holmke" and further along the path you reach the Büemke valley. Hike further up into the village of Büemke and walk to St. Agatha's Chapel.Büemke - Reiste 4.4 kmLeave Büemke on the last section of the chapel trail in the direction of Reiste. Follow the path up the Reiste mountain and continue over its ridge. A little way before the radio transmitter, turn right past the wayside cross. You are now walking on the old Büemke school path and descend into the Reiste valley. Passing the giant bench and the orchard meadow, you will reach the village of Reiste a short time later. After a final crossing of the B55, you are back at the starting point of the chapel trail, at the parish church of St. Pankratius.There is a stamp pass for the chapel trail, which can be stamped with a stamp of the respective patron saint at the village chapels. The stamp pass is available at the entrance to the Reiste parish church, at the inns in Reiste and Nichtinghausen, at the Volksbank in Reiste, at the grocery store and at the petrol station in Nichtinghausen. The stamps are located in weatherproof boxes below the information boards of the individual chapels. On presentation of the completed stamp pass, you will receive a small reminder at the above-mentioned issuing points (except the parish church).


Wir empfehlen festes Schuhwerk, sowie ausreichend Verpflegung und Getränke mitzubringen.

Safty guidelines

A rescue point system has been installed in the Hochsauerland district. Rescue points can be found on the information boards at junctions and on hiking signs.

Author Tip

Zu dem Kapellenweg gibt es einen Stempelpass, der an den Dorfkapellen mit einem Stempel des jeweiligen Schutzpatrons versehen werden kann.


Fleyer "Kapellenweg Reiste" als Download


Flyer: Kapellenweg Reiste

Public transiot

There is a direct connection from Dortmund or Kassel to Meschede by train, and from there by bus line S70 in the direction of Grevenbrück, directly to Reiste.There is a direct connection from Siegen or Hagen to Grevenbrück by train and from there by bus line S70 in the direction of Meschede, directly to Reiste.To the timetable information: www.rlg-online.deWith the Schmallenberg Sauerland Card you can travel free of charge by bus and train in the region.

Getting there

The church with parking facilities is located on the B55 federal highway, which runs through Reiste.From the north: via the A46 to Meschede, then the B55 towards Olpe as far as Reiste.From the south: via the A45 to Olpe, then the B55 via Grevenbrück, Eslohe in the direction of Meschede as far as Reiste.


Parking is available at the St. Pankratius Reiste parish church.You can park anywhere in Reiste free of charge. The SGV Reiste section recommends the parking lot at the parish church, which is located directly at the starting point.

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