Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg - water, hiking and well-being

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg - water, hiking and well-being

A hiking trail with a special theme, certified by the German Hiking Association:

Natural water treading points along the hiking trail allow water therapy to be combined with hiking, according to the teachings of Pastor Kneipp.

Barfuss gehen auf dem Kneippweg

Tretstelle Papendiek auf dem Kneippweg

Tour starting point:

Kneipp Park Dr. Grüne

Tour destination point:

Kneipp Park Dr. Grüne


  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • Geological highlights
  • Insider tip
  • Summit tour
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop

Additional Information To book a hiking package, please contact!




41.4 km


12:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

1366 m

Elevation descent

1369 m

Lowest point

316 m

Highest point

725 m





Recommended seasons


Olsberg Kneipp hiking trail - hiking, water, well-being

Health is a top priority in the recognized Kneipp spa town of Olsberg in the Sauerland. The 39-kilometre "Quality Trail Hikeable Germany" around the town center features 6 natural Kneipp treading points. Ideal for cooling hot soles and letting your mind wander.

Kneipp therapy is based on 5 health pillars: Water applications, exercise, relaxation, nutrition and medicinal herbs. With a focus on exercise and water treatments, the Kneipp path gets your health moving. The best way to try out the stork walk and arm watering is together with specially trained Kneipp path animators. With a watering can and drinking cup, you can head to the idyllic treading areas in the forest.

The award from the German Hiking Association has just been renewed for the third time. The Kneipp Trail has once again been certified as having excellent hiking quality, with a high proportion of natural paths, panoramas, natural and cultural attractions

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Tretstelle Gierskopp

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Wasser Tretstelle in der Natur,am Papendiek

Tretstelle Papendiek

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Knotenpunkt: 15
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From the Dr. Grüne Kneipp Park, the route is well signposted and marked via the district of Gierskopp to the 1st pedal point - at the Gierskopp Scharfsbrücke bridge. From there, the trail leads back a short distance and through the district of Gierskop to the "red bridge".From there, the trail climbs steeply uphill to the next pedal point "am Papendiek". On the way, you are recommended to follow the teachings of Pastor Kneipp - simply take off your shoes and walk barefoot for a while - the path now leads around the Forstenberg to the Eisenberg. At the Maxstollen, many information boards explain Olsberg's mining history. Continue up to the Langerberg, where an adventure trail has been set up for several years.Now it's downhill to the Ruhrauen. The path now leads over the new bridge below the old railroad bridge onto the road towards Schellenstein Castle. The route now continues to the district of Gevelinghausen. The castle there is just as worth seeing as the old mill, which can also be visited by appointment. The route now continues along the Elpe river to the Elpe watering hole, where you can once again enjoy a refreshing dip. Continue via the district of Wiggeringhausen up to the Ohlenkopf. A very long stretch until you reach the "am Voßbach" pedal point. The route now heads in the direction of Olsberg.The route now leads along the "an der Ruhr" treading point to the Hasley hut. From there, the final ascent via the "Klippenpfad" to the summit of Olsberg. After a special view, the descent back to the center of Olsberg begins. Of course, the Kneipp Trail is not a one-day hike. There are 4 great stages to experience the trail. Information on the stages is available from Olsberg Touristik.


Festes Schuhwerk und den Kneippweg in 4 ausgearbeiteten Etappen erwandern. Informationen dazu

Safty guidelines

At the 6 natural treading points, make sure that your feet are "warmed up" before treading water.

Author Tip

Der Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg ist von den Zuschauern der Sendung "Daheim und Unterwegs" zum schönsten Wanderweg in NRW gewählt worden.


Wanderkarte Brilon-Olsberg, erhältlich in den örtlichen Tourist-Informationen oder unter

Public transiot

Olsberg station for the Hagen-Kasse lineBigge railroad station for the Dortmund-Winterberg lineand bus route S30 Brilon-Olsberg-Winterberg

Getting there

BAB 44, Bad Wünnenberg exit, via Brilon (B 480) to Olsberg. At the traffic lights in the town center, drive towards Olsberg-Bigge. You will find the concert hall after 500 m on the right-hand side. Click on the map on the left to enlarge it or use the route planner


Parking lot at the Olsberg Touristik, Ruhrstrasse 32, 59939 Olsberg (approx. 3 min walk to the starting point)

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