Medebacher Bergweg - Stage 8: Titmaringhausen - Düdinghausen

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Medebacher Bergweg - Stage 8: Titmaringhausen - Düdinghausen
The 8th stage of the "Medebacher Bergweg" quality trail leads from Titmaringhausen through the Kahle Pön nature reserve with its unique Hochheide to the turner's village of Düdinghausen.

Hochheide auf dem Kahlen Pön

Blick auf Titmaringhausen

Usselner Kreuz

Blühende Heide auf dem Bergweg am Kahlen Pön.

Tour starting point:

Village center, Am Wendeplatz Titmaringhausen

Tour destination point:

Village center, church in Düdinghausen


  • From A to B
  • Quality Trail Wanderbares Deutschland
  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • Geological highlights
  • Fauna
  • Insider tip
  • cultural / historical
  • Flora




10.6 km


3:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

330 m

Elevation descent

345 m

Lowest point

481 m

Highest point

743 m





Recommended seasons


From Titmaringhausen, our hiking trail lives up to its name "Medebacher Bergweg", as it leads us steeply up into the forest area of the Warmecker Berg. Lohne is always rewarded by a view of the Hessian countryside with Goldhausen and the Eisenberg on the horizon. We hike through idyllic Buchenwald forests and discover the bubbling Diemel spring. A special experience is the Hochheide with the Usseln cross, from here the view sweeps far into the Hessian mountains. Once you reach the other side of the mountain, the Kalied again offers fantastic distant views.

For many hikers, the deep hollow path from Spitzbubenbusch down to Düdinghausen is the most beautiful and rustic section of the Medebach mountain trail, bearing witness to centuries of use. Once you reach the church, picture boards explain the eventful history of the border village and the Dreggestobe is just waiting to be discovered.

Starting point village square Titmaringhausen

Wanderausgangspunkt Titmaringhausen

Starting point Sauerland Wanderdörfer region - Titmaringhausen village square

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Kirche in Titmaringhausen

Kirche in Titmaringhausen

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An der Diemelquelle

https://de. wikipedia.

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Kahle-Pön Düdinghausen hiking parking lot

Wanderportal Natutweg Kahler Pön

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Wanderausgangspunkt Kirchplatz Düdinghausen

Wanderausgangspunkt Kirchplatz Düdinghausen

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Kirche in Düdinghausen

Kirche in Düdinghausen

Kirche St.

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Sonnenaufgang am Aussichtspunkt Kalied

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The mountain trail is marked throughout with the "Maltese Cross", the sign of the Knights of the Cross.Wherever possible, we have placed red stickers with this cross, in the open countryside we have sometimes preferred paint and brushes, where you will find white crosses on a black background.From Titmaringhausen, we follow the Maltese cross steeply uphill into the forest area of the Warmecker Berg. Caution: At a bend in the path, the trail leads to the right into the Buchenwald until you reach the historic boundary stones on the NRW/Hessen border. Turn right again here, the path now leads for almost 5 km through Hesse-Waldeck territory to the Diemel spring. The trail then climbs steeply for approx. 500 m before turning left into the forest. Through the Usseln Heid, a narrow, great path has been laid out, which leads up to the Usseln Cross on the same level as the Uplandsteig. Hiking further up over the Hochheide, we reach Kalied on the other side of the mountain. Passing the refuge and the Kahle Pön hiking parking lot, the trail leads from Spitzbubenbusch through a hollow path down to the village of Düdinghauen.


Festes Schuhwerk und der Witterung entsprechende Kleidung.

Safty guidelines

Current information about our forests - The bark beetle and its consequencesThe forest owners are endeavoring to take the necessary measures in the forests and to remove the damaged wood. However, due to the extent of the damage, this work cannot be completed in a short space of time. The clearing and reforestation of the damaged forest stands will therefore take a long time and sometimes lead to disruptions such as closures and detour in the forests. This must always be taken into account when visiting the forest.We therefore appeal to everyone who cares about the forest: Understand that extensive forestry work is necessary in the current situation and that this is currently accompanying your forest experience.Be particularly attentive during your leisure activities and observe the prevailing instructions and any prohibitions Please be considerate ...

Author Tip

Besuchen Sie die Dreggestobe und sehen Sie zu wie beim Drechseln die Späne fliegen. Das Museumscafé verwöhnt Sie mit leckeren Waffeln und Kaffee. Geöffnet von März bis Oktober donnerstags von 15-17 Uhr


Rad-und Wanderkarte Ferienregion Medebach ISBN 978-3-86636-917-7 erhältlich in der Tourist-Info, Marktplatz1, 59964 Medebach

Public transiot

From Willingen: Bus R46 (RLG): Willingen-Düdinghausen / change to the R48 in the direction of Referinghausen-TitmaringhausenFrom Winterberg: Bus R48 (RLG): Winterberg-Küstelberg-Titmaringhausen,From Korbach: Bus 550 (NVV): Korbach-Medebach / change to the R48 in the direction of Düdinghausen-TitmaringhausenFrom Frankenberg (Eder): Bus 530 (NVV): Frankenberg-Lichtenfels-Medebach / change to the R46 in the direction of Düdinghausen-Titmaringhausen

Getting there

From the north: A7, A2, A33 to Wünnenberg-Haaren interchange, B480 Brilon, Olsberg, direction Winterberg and then to Küstelberg, Deifeld, Referinghausen, Titmaringhausen.From the west: A44 Dortmund-Kassel, exit Kreuz Werl, A445 Meschede to Bestwig, Olsberg, direction Winterberg and then to Küstelberg, Deifeld, Referinghausen, Titmaringhausen.From the Rhineland: A4 Cologne-Olpe to the Olpe junction, take the A45 towards Dortmund to the Olpe exit, B55 towards Lennestadt, B236 Schmallenberg, Winterberg and then to Küstelberg, Deifeld, Referinghausen, Titmaringhausen.From the east: A44 Dortmund-Kassel to exit Wünnenberg-Haaren, B480 Brilon, Olsberg, direction Winterberg and then to Küstelberg, Deifeld, Referinghausen, Titmaringhausen.From the south: A5 from Frankfurt to Gießen, A485/B3 exit Marburg, B252 Wetter, B236 Hallenberg-Winterberg and then to Küstelberg, Deifeld, Referinghausen, Titmaringhausen.

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