Niedersfelder Hochheide - nature experience trail north of Winterberg

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Niedersfelder Hochheide - nature experience trail north of Winterberg
The largest of Europe's rare mountain heaths in northwest Germany is located near Niedersfeld. The vast, treeless landscape is transformed into a pink carpet of heather flowers in late summer.

Bergheide am „Neuen Hagen“ bei Winterberg-Niedersfeld

Tour starting point:

Parking lot Hochheidehütte, Niedersfeld

Tour destination point:

Parking lot Hochheidehütte, Niedersfeld


  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • Flora

Additional Information

The Rothaarsteig audio files can be transferred to a smartphone directly on site using a QR code or phone call, ordownloaded beforehand from the Rothaarsteig Association website(




5.1 km


1:15 Std.

Elevation ascent

77 m

Elevation descent

77 m

Lowest point

772 m

Highest point

826 m





Recommended seasons

In the east of the Hochsauerland district, on the border with Hessen, you will find the "Neuer Hagen" nature conservation and FFH area, also known as the "Niedersfelder Hochheide", at an altitude of more than 800 meters.

Mountain heaths are habitats for specialist animals and plants. These include the slow-growing dwarf shrubs that dominate the landscape with few trees: Heather, bilberry and cranberry, as well as the rare crowberry and bog bilberry. In summer, you can also see arnica, a medicinal plant whose golden yellow flowers glow in the sun, on the Hochheide.

In the area, you have a good chance of spotting a great grey shrike on the spruce tops or hearing the call of the cuckoo, which has become rare in many places. Another special sight is the large herd of heather sheep and goats that pass through the area once a year to carry out the "maintenance bite" necessary for conservation.

Parkplatz Niedersfelder Hochheide

Parkplatz Niedersfelder Hochheide

Großer Parkplatz am Zugang zur Hochheide

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Naturschätze Niedersfelder Hochheide
Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 1

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Die Niedersfelder Hochheide - eine einzigartige Kulturlandschaft

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 2

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Aus Wald wird Heide

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 3

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Wandel der Landschaft

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 4

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Schnucken, Ziegen und Chopper im Einsatz für die Heide

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 5

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Überlebenskünstler der Heide

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 6

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Jetzt wirds nass: Moore und Quellen

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 7

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Der Wald erobert die Heide zurück

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 8

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Geheimnisvolle Spuren im Wald

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 9

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Borstgrasrasen - Lebensraum für Spezialisten

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Rothaarsteig Niedersfelder Hochheide Station 10

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Die Heide - so schön wie ein Gedicht

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The circular trail signposted "NH" is recommended for exploring the area. The Rothaarsteig audio trail also runs along it with ten adventure stations, including the viewpoint on the Clemensberg. The Hoppecke spring can also be reached from the circular trail via a spur trail.


Festes Schuhwerk, ggf. FernglasBei Nutzung des Audioweges Smartphone, ggf. Kopfhörer


Buch „Naturschätze Südwestfalens entdecken“ (ISBN: 9783000481215)


Wanderkarte Winterberg, 1 : 20.000 (ISBN: 9783980971300, Preis: 4,95 €)

Public transiot

Getting there by public transport is difficult, as there is already a 3-4 km long path (depending on the route) from the village to Hochheide with an incline. The nearest bus stop is "Niedersfeld, Post" (at least 60 minutes on foot to the starting point). You can find the current timetable at:

Getting there

In Niedersfeld near Winterberg, turn left on the B 480 opposite the "Isken" Bäckerei coming from Olsberg and right coming from Winterberg. Follow the signs to "Hochheidehütte" until you reach the parking lot.Address for navigation: not specifiedGPS (UTM): 32 U 469167, 5678200Google coordinates: 51.254320, 8.558170


Parking lot Hochheidehütte, free of charge

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