Olsberg summit cross tour (Wanderbares Deutschland quality tour)

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Olsberg summit cross tour (Wanderbares Deutschland quality tour)

Summit cross hike with wonderful views of the young Ruhrtal. A "must" for every hiker in Olsberg. This is a stage on the Olsberg Kneipp hiking trail, the most beautiful trail in NRW (selected by WDR viewers) and a quality tour of the Sauerland-Wanderdorf, the first German quality hiking region. www.sauerland-wanderdörfer.de

Auf dem Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg


Wandern in Olsberg



Auf dem Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg

Auf dem Kneipp WanderWeg Olsberg

Tour starting point:

Hiking board below the Olsberg - above the Hasley hut at the small hiking parking lot

Tour destination point:

Hiking board below the Olsberg - above the Hasley hut at the small hiking parking lot


  • promising
  • Geological highlights
  • Summit tour
  • There and back
  • Refreshment stop




5.5 km


2:45 Std.

Elevation ascent

297 m

Elevation descent

303 m

Lowest point

396 m

Highest point

699 m





Recommended seasons


It goes to the Olsberg summit (700m above sea level) via the well-known cliff path. There you can enjoy the special view of the Kneipp spa town of Olsberg. This hike is a Wanderbares Deutschland quality tour and rightly so.

In addition to natural paths and many viewpoints, the tour also offers refreshment stops on the return to the town. At the summit, you can enjoy a view that is second to none. The natural treading area at the Luisenquelle invites you to tread water according to Kneipp. The Olsberg Kneipp hiking trail has been voted the most beautiful hiking trail in NRW by viewers of the WDR. This summit cross tour is the 4th stage of the Kneipp trail. The "Kneipp" theme is simply an added value when hiking. Information boards at the natural treading point Luisenquelle explain the practical method of treading water. Just give it a try. It's well worth it.

The tour is available as a print-out from the tourist office.

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From Olsberg Touristik, the access route to this quality tour goes along the young Ruhr to the town center. At the traffic circle in the direction of Winterberg, the route then goes up the "Rutsche" road. Continue along Kurterrainweg 3 through the street "Am Olsberg" until just before the Hasley hut (not open to the public).After the bend uphill, there is a hiking board that provides further good information about this tour. The quality tour starts here and continues directly opposite, well signposted and marked with the K for the Olsberg Kneipp Trail, along the steep and challenging cliff path to the Luisenquelle.There you have the opportunity to refresh your feet according to the water teachings of Pastor Kneipp. Continue uphill to the summit cross.Enjoy a special view from there. Beautiful benches and a revolving Rothaarsteig lounger offer relaxation.Now you descend back down into the valley via the other side of the mountain. Above the new housing estate, follow the Kurterrainweg signpost 3 to the Dr. Grüne Kneipp Park.The center of Olsberg offers many places to stop for refreshments after the hike. At the end of the day and as a reward, a visit to our beautiful AquaOlsberg, the Sauerland thermal spa. www. aquaolsberg.de


Festes Schuhwerk und eine gefüllte Wasserflasche

Safty guidelines

Bring sturdy shoes and something to drink. The cliff path is a bit of a challenge.

Author Tip

Genießen Sie die natürliche Tretstelle an der Luisenquelle. Das Thema  Wasser, Wandern und Wohlfühlen sind auf der gesamten Tour zu finden. Ein längerer Aufenthalt auf dem Gipfel ist einfach wunderschön. Auch zum Sonnenaufgang ein besonderes Erlebnis. Der Kneippweg-Flyer ist kostenlos in der Touristik Olsberg erhältlich. Vielleicht macht er Lust auf die nächste Etappe.




Olsberger Wanderkarte, Touristik und Stadtmarketing Olsberg GmbH.

Public transiot

Olsberg station, Bigge station, S30 bus route Brilon Olsberg www.bahn.de

Getting there

BAB 44, Bad Wünnenberg exit, via Brilon (B 480) to Olsberg.At the traffic lights in the town center, drive towards Olsberg-Bigge.You will find the concert hall after 500 m on the right-hand side.Click on the map on the left to enlarge it or use the route planner


Large parking lot directly in front of Olsberg Touristik, Ruhrstrasse 32, 59939 Olsberg www.olsberg.de The access route to the quality tour starts here.You can also drive directly to the hiking board below the Olsberg and start the hike there.Leave the traffic circle in the direction of Winterberg. Approx. 500m after the town exit sign, turn right to the Hasley hut. Drive uphill past the hut until you reach a small parking lot for hikers on the right-hand side. The tour starts here opposite with the hiking sign.

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