Orketal circular trail (Medebach: Medelon-Berge-Dreislar)

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Orketal circular trail (Medebach: Medelon-Berge-Dreislar)
A very varied half-day hike around the Medebach districts of Medelon, Berge and Dreislar.

Fernsicht Berge

Medebach-Berge Kirche

Blick über die Medebacher Bucht


Gipfelkreuz Opolt in Medebach-Dreislar

Nachbau der Pfarrkirche in Medelon

Die Orke bei Medebach-Medelon

Wandern im Orketal


Denkmal am Weg

Medebach-Medelon Orke Ortsmitte


Ortsansicht Berge

Medebach-Medelon Fachwerkhäuser


Ortsansicht Medelon

Am Waldrand

Tour starting point:

Hiking parking lot Orketal

Tour destination point:

Hiking parking lot Orketal


  • promising
  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop

Additional Information

For further information, please visit www.medebach-touristik.de




15.9 km


4:30 Std.

Elevation ascent

396 m

Elevation descent

396 m

Lowest point

364 m

Highest point

542 m





Recommended seasons


The circular trail from the Orketal parking lot first follows the Am Gewässerpfad Orke to Medelon. Along the way, you will find several stations along the Orke with interesting facts about its habitats, animals and plants, the former use of the watercourse and the nature conservation measures of the LIFE project. As part of the European LIFE project, the Orke has been made more natural through extensive measures.

The circular trail runs through Buchenwald forests, meadows and the "Heideköppel" nature reserve to the village of Berge. Berge is the smallest district of Medebach and also one of the oldest. It was first mentioned in 1126. To this day, Berge has retained its character as an idyllic and agricultural village.

The hiking trail leads over the Lückenkopf with its beautiful views over the Medebach Bay through the Rüggen nature reserve to the summit of the Kreuzberg above Dreislar. The contiguous forests around the Rüggen are the result of former coppice farming and provide a habitat for small mammals and cavity-nesting birds in particular. From the summit of the Kreuzberg, you can enjoy a magnificent view over Dreislar and the Medebach Bay before descending to Dreislar via a steeper path.

Dreislar itself is known for its barite museum. The mining tradition in Dreislar and thus the mining of barite dates back to 1777. Today, these fascinating crystals can be admired in the barite museum.

The "Im Schwinkel" rest area is located to the north of Dreislar. With a water treading pool, barefoot path, massage trees and relaxation loungers, the site invites you to take a well-earned break and relax. This is where the circular trail meets the Sauerland-Höhenflug, which opens up further wonderful views of the Medebach Bay, which has been designated a European bird sanctuary.

Hiking parking lot Orketal Medelon

Der Gast erhält viel Wissenswertes

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Festes Schuhwerk, Wanderausrüstung, wetterfeste Kleidung und ggf. Rucksackproviant.

Safty guidelines

Current information about our forests - The bark beetle and its consequencesThe forest owners are endeavoring to take the necessary measures in the forests and to remove the damaged wood. However, due to the extent of the damage, this work cannot be completed in a short space of time. The clearing and reforestation of the damaged forest stands will therefore take a long time and sometimes lead to disruptions such as closures and detour in the forests. This must always be taken into account when visiting the forest.We therefore appeal to everyone who cares about the forest: Understand that extensive forestry work is necessary in the current situation and that this is currently accompanying your forest experience.Be particularly attentive during your leisure activities and observe the prevailing instructions and any prohibitions Please be considerate ...

Author Tip

Nutzen Sie für eine Wanderpause den "Wellnessrastplatz Im Schwinkel". An verschiedenen Stationen kann man entweder eine erfrischendes Fußbad nehmen, eine Fußmassage mit Kieselsteinen genießen oder eine entspannende Rückenmassage an einem der ungewöhnlichen Massagebäumen nehmen. Oder man lauscht der Natur auf einer der Relaxliegen.

Public transiot

Take the R44 Medebach-Hallenberg bus to the "Medelon" stop from Friday to Saturday, no bus service possible on Sundays. Short walk from the town center to the "Orketal" hiking parking lot or join the circular trail in the town center.

Getting there

Travel by car to the hiking parking lot in the "Orketal" at the end of the village in the direction of Hesborn on the L 617 country road.


Parking is possible directly at the "Orketal" hiking parking lot.

Please note that after activation, data will be transmitted to the respective provider.