Orketal - nature experience trail near Medebach-Medelon

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Orketal - nature experience trail near Medebach-Medelon
The numerous watercourses are the lifelines of the Sauerland. But water alone does not make a stream. The Orke with its diversity of floodplain and stream inhabitants is an impressive example of this.

Orkebachtal - Naturschätze Südwestfalens

Die Orke mit bachbegleitenden Erlen

Die Orke

Eine von 13 Stationen auf dem Weg

Direkt entlang der Orke

Besonders schön bei gutem Wetter

Auf freiem Feld


Blick in den Ort Medelon

Blick auf die Orke in Medelon

Überquerung zum Spielplatz in Medelon

Tour starting point:

Medelon or hiking portal / information board

Tour destination point:

Medelon or hiking portal / information board


  • Geological highlights
  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop
  • family-friendly
  • Flora

Additional Information

A new brochure for all the nature trails in Medebach Bay has been published. It is available from the tourist information office in Medebach, as is a nature explorer rucksack for children to borrow. All information can be found at www.medebach-touristik.de.

LIFE project MEDEBACHER BUCHT - BAUSTEIN FÜR NATURA 2000 www.medebacher-bucht.de




9.6 km


2:15 Std.

Elevation ascent

53 m

Elevation descent

53 m

Lowest point

368 m

Highest point

421 m





Recommended seasons


In the European LIFE project - a building block for Natura 2000 - the Orke was made more natural through extensive measures. By converting or bypassing 22 transverse structures, the river's passability for brown trout, brook lamprey and bullhead was restored. The black stork also benefits from the renaturation due to a better food supply. Afforestations of spruce or hybrid poplars were converted back into grassland, which is now managed by farmers in a nature conservation-friendly manner.

Follow the discovery trail along the Orke. At 13 stations you will find interesting facts about habitats, animals and plants, the former use of the watercourse and the nature conservation measures of the LIFE project.

You can find more information at: www.naturschaetze-suedwestfalens.de

Naturschätze Orketal
Wanderausgangspunkt Dorfmitte Medelon

Wanderportal Medelon Mitte

Wanderausgangspunkt für Qualitätsregion "Wanderbares Deutschland" in Medebach-Medelon.

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Infopunkt Pavillon Gewässerpfad Orke

Infopunkt Pavillon Gewässerpfad Orke

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Naturschätze naturnaher Bach Orketal
Infotafel 3 am Gewässerpfad Orke

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Der Gast erhält viel Wissenswertes

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Naturschätze Bachvögel



The Orketal can be ideally experienced via the approximately 9.6-kilometre-long Am Gewässerpfad Orke water trail. From the starting point, follow the mascot "Koppi", a light-colored bullhead (fish) on a blue background. Western section:Via Marienglück into the Vildischer Grund to Forsthaus Kaltenscheid and back (7.4 km; 9 stations).Eastern section:To renaturalized sections of the Orke below Medelon and back (2.2 km; 4 stations).


evtl. Flyer für den Erlebnisweg (Download Flyer)

Safty guidelines

The water trail also takes you off the beaten track across meadows and cattle pastures into the floodplain. Waterproof, sturdy footwear is recommended for the adventure tour on partly damp and slippery paths.Please do not feed the grazing animals (cattle, horses, goats, ducks). Unsuitable feed can cause life-threatening diseases in the animals.


Flyer „Gewässerpfad Orke“ Buch „Naturschätze Südwestfalens entdecken“ (ISBN: 9783000481215)


Wanderkarte Medebach, 1 : 25.000 (ISBN: 9783000253430, Preis: 5,00 €)

Public transiot

The nearest bus stop is "Medelon" (approx. 3 minutes' walk to the starting point). You can find the current timetable at: http://efa.vrr.deFrom Medebach: Bus 361 (BRS): Medebach - Medelon - HallenbergFrom Winterberg: Bus 356 (BRS): Winterberg - Hallenberg / change in Hallenberg to bus 361 in the direction of MedebachFrom Brilon/Olsberg bus S30 (RLG): Brilon - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction HallenbergFrom Korbach bus 510 (NVV): Korbach - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction HallenbergFrom Frankenberg bus 530 (NVV): Frankenberg - Lichtenfels - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction Hallenberg

Getting there

Parking is available directly on the main road in the center of the village of Medelon. The entrance to the water trail is marked by a pavilion. An alternative access to the area is the "Orketal" hiking parking lot.Address for navigation: Orkestraße 21, 59964 Medelon (Medebach)GPS (UTM): 32 U 476865, 5668722Google coordinates: 51.169460, 8.669100


Parking is available at the side of Medelon Straße. You can also park by appointment at the Landhotel Müller or at the Medelon parish hall.

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