Rahrbacher PoesieWeg - with poetry to me and nature

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Rahrbacher PoesieWeg - with poetry to me and nature
The Rahrbach Poetry Trail invites you to contemplate, be inspired and encounter nature.

Kirche in Kirchhundem-Rahrbach

Bank mit Blick auf Rahrbach

Rahrbach Verweil-Ort Kreuz Wege

Buchenaltholz im FFH-GEbiet (Wildnisgebiet)

Rahrbacher Poesieweg Richtung Welschen Ennest

Blick auf Welschen Ennest und den "Hohen Wald"

Rahrbach am Wolhardt


Infotafel am Rahrbacher PoesieWeg

Tour starting point:

Church in Kirchhundem-Rahrbach (Zur Hardt, 57399 Kirchhundem)

Tour destination point:

Church in Kirchhundem-Rahrbach (Zur Hardt, 57399 Kirchhundem)


  • promising
  • Fauna
  • Round trip
  • family-friendly
  • cultural / historical
  • Flora

Additional Information

An accompanying booklet (free of charge) for the Poetry Trail is available from the Tourist Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem (Hundemstr. 18, 57368 Lennestadt; 02723 608800, info@lennestat-kirchhundem.de, www.lennestadt-kirchhundem.de ) and the municipality of Kirchhundem (Hundemstr. 35, 57399 Kirchhundem, 02723 4090).

Combine the hike with a visit to the Rahrbach parish church of St. Dionysius (historic organ). Kirche St. Dionysius is one of the 43 Sauerland-Seelenorte in the Sauerland-Wanderdorf . The history of Michael Gleich's Seelenort and other useful information can be found at https://www.sauerland-wanderdoerfer.de/de/Sauerland-Seelenorte/Die-43-Seelenorte/Kirche-St.-Dionysius

You are invited to stop for refreshments:

Restaurante Piccola, Hagener Str. 1, 57399 Kirchhundem-Welschen Ennest, 02764-261888




7.8 km


3:00 Std.

Elevation ascent

193 m

Elevation descent

193 m

Lowest point

443 m

Highest point

599 m





Recommended seasons


Enjoy the heavenly forest atmosphere of the rustling coniferous and deciduous forests on an approx. 8 km long circular tour and let yourself be inspired by short poems at 6 stations to linger, reflect and enjoy nature.

And enjoy the diverse impressions of light beech old-growth forests, shady coniferous forests and open meadow landscapes with sweeping views over mountains and valleys on this short hike.

In addition to poetry (poems, quotes), there is also information about nature and forest management as well as interesting impulses for experiencing nature at the "Attunement", "Cross Paths", "Passing & Emergence", "Rings of Life", "Arrival" and "Encouragement" resting places .

Impulses & information on the places to stay (experience stations) can be found here:

Taverne 1313 - Die Bar im Rahrbachtal
Kirche St. Dionysius

Kirche St. Dionysius

Die historische St. Dionysius Kirche im Sauerland - ein Ort der Ruhe und Besinnung seit Jahrhunderten.

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Verweil-Ort Einstimmung

Verweil-Ort Einstimmung

"Verweil-Ort Einstimmung" am Rahrbacher PoesieWeg – Ein Startpunkt für eine inspirierende Wanderung, begleitet von Naturpoesie und Impulsen.

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Verweil-Ort Kreuz-Wege

Verweil-Ort Kreuz-Wege

An dem Verweil-Ort "Kreuz-Wege" des Rahrbacher PoesieWeges gibt ein Gedicht von Franz Segbers einen Impuls, über die eigenen Wege und Ziele nachzudenken.

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Verweil-Ort Vergehen und Entstehen

Verweil-Ort Vergehen und Entstehen

"Verweil-Ort Vergehen & Entstehen" am Rahrbacher PoesieWeg – Ein Ort des Bewusstseins für den Artenschutz durch den Erhalt absterbender Bäume und deren ökologische Bedeutung.

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Verweil-Ort Lebensringe

Verweil-Ort Lebensringe

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Pizzeria Piccola
Verweil-Ort Ankommen

Verweil-Ort Ankommen

Am Verweil-Ort "Ankommen" laden wir dich zu einem Konzert ein: Lausche dem Waldorchester mit seinen vielen „Instrumenten“ und genieße das besondere Hörerlebnis!

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Verweil-Ort Ermutigung

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

"Verweil-Ort Ermutigung" am Rahrbacher PoesieWeg – Einblick in das alte Handwerk der Köhlerei und die lebendige Tradition der "Meilerwochen".

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The easy hike on easily accessible forest paths of approx. 7.7 km in length is marked throughout with the "white circle on black background" sign. From the starting point at the Rahrbach church, the trail initially leads slightly uphill through open meadows to the edge of the forest (approx. 0.8 km). From the first adventure station ("Einstimmung"), the trail leads gently up and down through coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, some of which enjoy special protection as so-called wilderness areas or FFH areas, and repeatedly opens up views over open meadow landscapes. You can find out more about the protected forest areas - wilderness and FFH area "Apollmicke and Einsiedelei" - at the "Vergehen & Entstehen" and "Lebensringe" resting places.Please note: The wilderness areas are predominantly located in nature conservation and FFH areas, so it is forbidden to enter the forest areas off the paths or to collect plants or mushrooms. That's why you should stay on the marked hiking trail between the resting places 3 and 4 - "Vergehen & Entstehen" and "Lebensringe".And, of course, entering the forest is always at your own risk. This also applies to a hike on the Rahrbach Poetry Trail - whether in the "normal" forest or in the wilderness area, forest visitors must be aware of the typical forest hazards themselves, such as falling branches and tripping hazards.


Der Weg ist bequem zu gehen (gute Waldwege, nur leichte Steigungen); festes Schuhwerk wird empfohlen..An verschiedenen Stellen bieten Ruhebänke die Möglichkeit zu einer Pause und zur Kontemplation.

Safty guidelines

Information about the rescue signsMost hiking trails run away from towns and settlements and every hiker has thought about what would happen if an emergency were to occur. How can I be found here? Where am I anyway? Can the emergency services reach me?But in an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the hiking trail network in the Lennestadt & Kirchhundem region is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. The green and white stickers attached to the posts of the signposts have a number that you must give when making an emergency call. This means that the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.

Author Tip

Informationen zur Natur und der Waldwirtschaft sowie interessante Impulse zum Naturerlebnis finden Sie auch  in dem Begleitheft zum „Rahrbacher PoesieWeg – mit Poesie zu mir und der Natur“ . Die St. Dionysius Kirche ist einer der 43 Sauerland-Seelenorte in den Sauerland-Wanderdörfern . Die Geschichte des Seelenortes von Michael Gleich und weitere nützliche Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.sauerland-wanderdoerfer.de/de/Sauerland-Seelenorte/Die-43-Seelenorte/Kirche-St.-Dionysius  


Wanderkarte Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, 1:25.000; 4. Auflage; Hrsg: Tourist-Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem, Hundemstr. 18, 57368 Lennestadt, 02723 608800,  info@lennestadt-kirchhundem.de, www.lennestadt-kirchhundem.de

Public transiot

Ruhr-Sieg railroad line (Essen-Siegen) RB 91 and RE 16 to Kirchhundem - Welschen Ennest stop.15-minute walk to Rahrbach or connection with bus line R 90 (bus stop Rahrbach Ort)


Parking facilities at the church in Rahrbach

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