Sauerland-Waldroute by bus and train: from Brilon town to Bestwig (NWL)

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Sauerland-Waldroute by bus and train: from Brilon town to Bestwig (NWL)
This tour leads the hiker through the original nature of the Sauerland and invites you to relax!

Ranger unterwegs auf der Sauerland-Waldroute

Wanderung im Sauerland: Sauerland-Waldroute mit Bus und Bahn: Von Brilon Stadt nach Bestwig (NWL)

Pfad entlang der Elpe

Markierungszeichen Sauerland-Waldroute

Tour starting point:

Brilon city

Tour destination point:

Bestwig train station


  • Stage tour
  • promising
  • Fauna
  • Refreshment stop
  • Flora




23.3 km


6:54 Std.

Elevation ascent

721 m

Elevation descent

581 m

Lowest point

289 m

Highest point

568 m





Recommended seasons


A beautiful day hike awaits you on this stage. From Brilon town (train station), this stage leads on its first part over the Briloner Kammweg past the Poppenberg in the direction of Gudenhagen.

Here the Brilon Bürgerwald with the Kyrilltor opens up to you and finally you meet the Sauerland-Waldroute here. This now leads you through various nature reserves in the direction of Olsberg and up the Langer Berg. From here you have a great view over Olsberg and the surrounding area. Past Schellenstein Castle, the route leads back into the deep forests and along the small river Elpe through the village of Ostwig, with nice places to stop for refreshments. Finally, the stage leads up to the Bergkloster Bestwig and from there to the train station. From the finish at Bestwig station there are good train connections back to Brilon.

Tourist-Information Bestwig

Tourist-Information Bestwig

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From Brilon via the Waldroute to Bestwig


Festes Schuhwerk und wetterfeste Kleidung wird auf allen Abschnitten der Sauerland-Waldroute empfohlen!

Safty guidelines

Information about the rescue boards on the Sauerland-WaldrouteMostly hiking trails run away from villages and settlements and every hiker has already thought about what would happen if there was an emergency. How can I be found here? Where am I at all? Can the rescue service reach me?But in an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the Sauerland-Waldroute is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. On the green and white plaques, which are attached to the posts of the signposts, there is a number that you have to give when you make your emergency call. This way, the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.

Author Tip

die natürliche Tretstelle an der Elpe der Maxstollen Langer Berg


Booklet Sauerland-Fernwnaderwege via

Public transiot

Starting point Brilon city station: You can get there every two hours without changing trains from Dortmund, Arnsberg and Bestwig with the RE57 line. Additional travel options exist with a change in Brilon-Wald with the lines RE17 and R42.Destination Bestwig station: From Bestwig, there are half-hourly travel options along the upper Ruhrtalbahn. In the direction of Dortmund, Hagen and Warburg there are trains every hour. Winterberg, Brilon town or Korbach can be reached every 2 hours.Due to the connection, this tour can also be hiked completely by public transport.

Getting there

Bestwig can be reached easily via the A 46 freeway. To Brilon it continues from Bestwig via the B7.


Parking is easily available at both stations.

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