Quarzklippen short hike

Sauerland-Wanderdörfer / Tours / Touren (O) / Quarzklippen short hike
Short, easy hike to the beautiful "Schwerspat" Geological Aufschluss with information board and resting place. The Quarzklippen quarry can only be reached on a guided hike. But even here at the barite quarry, man and creation are face to face. The short tour leads back past the goat farm through the mining village of Dreislar past the barite museum via the Sleeping Beauty Trail and the Schwinkel wellness rest area to the starting point.


Park in Dreislar


Tour starting point:

Hikers' parking lot "Im Schwinkel"

Tour destination point:

Hikers' parking lot "Im Schwinkel"


  • Geological highlights
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stop




2.9 km


1:00 Std.

Elevation ascent

54 m

Elevation descent

53 m

Lowest point

374 m

Highest point

427 m





Recommended seasons

From the "Im Schwinkel" hiking parking lot, head west on the Medebacher Bergweg, continuing along the farm in the direction of the sports field. The mountain path leaves us in the bend to the right, but we follow the path past the sports field towards the country road. When we reach the country road, we continue straight ahead for approx. 100 m in a southerly direction. Then turn right and follow the A1 hiking trail for a short distance. Pass the goat farm and immediately turn left towards the Geologischer Aufschluss. Approx. 200 m straight ahead you are right above the Dreislar barite mine. Here you will already find some glittering barite crystals. Wenden to the right in a northerly direction, a dirt track leads uphill for approx. 30 m until the small barite quarry becomes visible on the left. Open-cast mining took place here to extract the valuable raw material from the depths. Linger a while at this place of power directly above the mine in Dreislar. The same route takes us back to the road, which we now follow into the village. First we pass St. Franziskus Church, then continue past the Scherspat Museum and further slightly uphill. We leave the cemetery on the left and follow the mountain path and the blue Höhneflugspur trail via the Dornröschenpfad to the wellness parking lot in Schwinkel.
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Author Tip

Die Quarzklippen selber sollen nur einmal im Monat bei einer geführten Wanderung besucht werden können, um diesen seltenen mystischen Ort zu schützen und zu erhalten. Das Scherspatmuseum ist immer Do, Sa und Sonntag geöffnet. ( 14- 17 Uhr von Feb. - Okt.) Ein Besuch lohnt sich. Im Ort gibt es mehrere kleine Kneipen und Gasthäuser zum Einkehren. Der Wellnessrastplatz lädt ein zum Verweilen mit Massagebäumen, Kneipstelle, Ruheliegen und Barfußpfad. Geht man den Weg ab dem geologischen Aufschluss weiter nach oben, erreicht man eine Ruhebank mit herrlichem Blick. Folgt man den Weg nach unten kommt man zum verschlossenen Grubeneingang.

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